0.000000000000000E+000 25.6878000000000
1.000000000000001E-002 24.6813600000000
2.000000000000002E-002 21.7823300000000
3.000000000000003E-002 17.2294600000000
4.000000000000004E-002 11.4315700000000
5.000000000000004E-002 4.82601000000000
6.000000000000005E-002 -2.02597000000000
7.000000000000006E-002 -8.59760000000000
... ...
2.95000000000000 3.100000000000103E-003
2.96000000000000 2.970000000000139E-003
2.97000000000000 2.850000000000019E-003
2.98000000000000 2.970000000000139E-003
2.99000000000000 3.100000000000103E-003
3.00000000000000 2.970000000000139E-003
Then one can read and plot the data using the following script "read.sce":
cd('D:\blog\scilab\2017-06-19'); // your current directory
data = fscanfMat('data.txt'); // reads data
te = data(1:$,1); // takes the first column from data
xe = data(1:$,2); // takes the second column from data
clf(1) // clears figure window no. 1
figure(1) // sets the current figure window no. 1
plot(te,xe) // plots
Then running the above script, you obtain the following plot:
Thank you - you helped me!